Arweave / AR
1H %1.02
24H % 6.55
Arweave (AR) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2018. Arweave has a current supply of 63,190,435 with 33,394,701 in circulation. The last known price of Arweave is 31.06469394 USD and is down -6.70 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 47 active market(s) with $34,635,215.45 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 19.236500000000003 Total Volume: 9296.5123211
power Average: 18.43746258137519 / volume: 57.41---1000.0477539999999
Bitrue:17.45000 / volume: 309.74---5404.963 / volume: 157.479385---5972.405676124999
Cryptocom:17.35550 / volume: 21.78---378.00279
Gateio:17.33000 / volume: 34.73---601.8708999999999
Huobi:17.33440 / volume: 1.26---21.841344
Mexc:17.34100 / volume: 19.97---346.29977
Phemex:17.37000 / volume: 12.1111---210.369807
WhiteBit:17.36540 / volume: 10.76---186.851704
Coinex:17.37690 / volume: 20.0---347.538
Binance:17.33000 / volume: 97.31---1686.3823