Arweave / AR
1H %1.02
24H % 6.55
Arweave (AR) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2018. Arweave has a current supply of 63,190,435 with 33,394,701 in circulation. The last known price of Arweave is 31.06469394 USD and is down -6.70 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 47 active market(s) with $34,635,215.45 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 8.836542857142856 Total Volume: 22212.326599999997
power Average: 8.828503860153942 / volume: 4.26---37.723152
Bitrue:8.84000 / volume: 11545.72---102064.1648
Cryptocom:8.94270 / volume: 5.98---53.477346000000004
Gateio:8.82800 / volume: 3.2---28.2496
Huobi:8.82550 / volume: 2.8---24.711399999999998
Kucoin:8.83400 / volume: 0.4531---4.0026854
LBank:8.82000 / volume: 253.23---2233.4886
Mexc:8.81000 / volume: 22.29---196.3749
Phemex:8.84000 / volume: 64.6527---571.529868
WhiteBit:8.83530 / volume: 1.493---13.1911029
Coinex:8.83710 / volume: 40.0---353.484
Binance:8.83000 / volume: 522.39---4612.7037