Polkadot / DOT
1H % 0.01
24H % -0.62
Polkadot (DOT) is a cryptocurrency . Polkadot has a current supply of 1,103,303,471.382273 with 987,579,314.957085 in circulation. The last known price of Polkadot is 18.22041567 USD and is down -4.38 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 307 active market(s) with $821,745,458.02 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://polkadot.network/.
average: 5.6469110526315776 Total Volume: 11352.164305750004
power Average: 5.644574072869146
Big.one:5.66450 / volume: 56.0---317.212
Bitrue:5.65340 / volume: 78.48---443.67883200000006
Cex.io:5.66900 / volume: 66.768225---378.509067525
Coinbase:5.64000 / volume: 22.275---125.63099999999999
Coinlist:5.67180 / volume: 164.9132---935.3546877599999
Cryptocom:5.62640 / volume: 2.55---14.34732
DigiFinex:5.63940 / volume: 178.85---1008.60669
Exmo:5.64400 / volume: 50.0---282.2
Fmfw.io:5.64983 / volume: 19.42---109.7196986
Gateio:5.64100 / volume: 166.17---937.36497
Huobi:5.63100 / volume: 40.5---228.0555
Kraken:5.64210 / volume: 4.318---24.3625878
Mexc:5.62800 / volume: 168.23---946.7984399999999
Phemex:5.65400 / volume: 239.638---1354.913252
WhiteBit:5.63660 / volume: 31.7973---179.22866118
Coinex:5.64460 / volume: 66.2---373.67251999999996
Probit:5.69000 / volume: 2.0---11.38
Bitfinex:5.63330 / volume: 0.00000001---0.000000056333000000000006
Binance:5.64600 / volume: 360.53---2035.5523799999999