Bitcoin Cash / BCH
1H % -0.04
24H % -0.72
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a cryptocurrency . Users are able to generate BCH through the process of mining. Bitcoin Cash has a current supply of 18,982,737.5. The last known price of Bitcoin Cash is 321.3435178 USD and is down -2.09 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 568 active market(s) with $4,830,904,843.75 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 519.0772876206962 Total Volume: 1381.0015950998875
power Average: 515.0402235374258 / volume: 2.08---1071.2416
Bitrue:513.91000 / volume: 0.286---146.97825999999998 / volume: 2.0---1238.0
Cryptocom:513.46000 / volume: 0.641---329.12786000000006 / volume: 343.0---176679.30000000002
DigiFinex:512.70000 / volume: 0.857---439.38390000000004
Exmo:512.36000 / volume: 18.59682089---9528.2671512004 / volume: 0.3907---200.88113990000002
Gateio:512.94000 / volume: 9.1239---4680.013266000001
Huobi:513.27000 / volume: 0.4275---219.422925
Indoex:514.88006 / volume: 23.09406386225298---11890.673051970163
Kraken:514.24000 / volume: 0.064---32.91136
Mexc:514.30000 / volume: 1.173---603.2738999999999
Phemex:515.50000 / volume: 0.83226---429.03003
Upbit:538.99000 / volume: 3.9061777---2105.390718523
WhiteBit:514.16000 / volume: 0.2684---138.00054400000002
Coinex:514.27000 / volume: 2.33---1198.2491
Probit:512.60000 / volume: 0.97814871---501.39902874600006
Binance:513.30000 / volume: 6.641---3408.8252999999995