Dai / DAI
1H %0.01
24H % 0.02
Dai (DAI) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. Dai has a current supply of 10,239,769,058.379236. The last known price of Dai is 0.99939205 USD and is down -0.01 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 762 active market(s) with $210,911,035.47 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at http://www.makerdao.com/.
average: 1.002113272727273 Total Volume: 994472.6398018899
power Average: 0.9997423398542684
Bitrue:1.00030 / volume: 2496.0---2496.7488
Cryptocom:0.99799 / volume: 5000.0---4989.95
Currency.com:0.99970 / volume: 295044.0---294955.4868
Exmo:1.00240 / volume: 10.15258191---10.17693795400209
Gateio:1.00020 / volume: 25663.893---25669.0257786
Huobi:1.02280 / volume: 385.82---394.616696
Kraken:0.99959 / volume: 6.722---6.71924398
Mexc:0.99910 / volume: 267.85---267.60893500000003
Phemex:1.00050 / volume: 89.91---89.954955
WhiteBit:1.00130 / volume: 608.8---609.59144
Coinex:0.99930 / volume: 549.88322128---549.4983030251041