Tezos / XTZ
1H %0.24
24H % 1.59
Tezos (XTZ) is a cryptocurrency . Tezos has a current supply of 906,084,502.692346 with 877,950,562.830824 in circulation. The last known price of Tezos is 3.80625766 USD and is down -5.78 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 197 active market(s) with $109,061,535.85 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://www.tezos.com/.
average: 1.0187876111111112 Total Volume: 111990.82110052001
power Average: 1.0178139634222478
Big.one:1.02260 / volume: 108.0---110.4408
Bitrue:1.02660 / volume: 486.66---499.605156
Blockchain:1.02000 / volume: 990.19607843---1009.9999999986
Cex.io:1.01990 / volume: 198.677251---202.63092829490003
Coinlist:1.01660 / volume: 5000.0---5083.0
Cryptocom:1.01560 / volume: 273.5---277.76660000000004
DigiFinex:1.01650 / volume: 229.6---233.3884
Fmfw.io:1.01715 / volume: 20.2---20.5463694
Gateio:1.01820 / volume: 160.0---162.912
Huobi:1.01680 / volume: 54.0---54.907199999999996
Kraken:1.01540 / volume: 19.319---19.6165126
Mexc:1.01830 / volume: 36438.3---37105.120890000006
Phemex:1.01800 / volume: 321.98---327.77564
WhiteBit:1.01798 / volume: 11.69---11.9001862
Coinex:1.01990 / volume: 51.0---52.014900000000004
Probit:1.02100 / volume: 5.7---5.8197
Bitfinex:1.02150 / volume: 883.1524003---902.14017690645
Binance:1.01600 / volume: 9043.8---9188.5008