Tezos / XTZ
1H %0.20
24H % 1.46


24 Hours Volume

17 M

7 Days Change

-3.94 %



Tezos (XTZ) is a cryptocurrency . Tezos has a current supply of 906,084,502.692346 with 877,950,562.830824 in circulation. The last known price of Tezos is 3.80625766 USD and is down -5.78 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 197 active market(s) with $109,061,535.85 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://www.tezos.com/.
average: 0.813284316666667 Total Volume: 171047.47847349002

power Average: 0.783608694101364

Big.one:0.78240 / volume: 108.0---84.4992
Bitrue:1.46820 / volume: 340.28---499.5990959999999
Blockchain:0.77000 / volume: 11.84016608---9.1169278816
Cex.io:0.77990 / volume: 190.466364---148.5447172836
Cryptocom:0.77900 / volume: 229.2---178.5468
DigiFinex:0.77840 / volume: 390.5---303.9652
Fmfw.io:0.77834 / volume: 11.7---9.106566299999999
Gateio:0.77880 / volume: 240.053---186.95327640000002
Huobi:0.77870 / volume: 195.0---151.8465
Kraken:0.77860 / volume: 1284.293---999.9505297999999
Kucoin:0.77900 / volume: 225.77---175.87483
LBank:0.78000 / volume: 10875.4---8482.812
Mexc:0.77900 / volume: 13726.0---10692.554
Phemex:0.77900 / volume: 430.88---335.65552
WhiteBit:0.77907 / volume: 478.519---372.79979733000005
Coinex:0.78090 / volume: 203.67187997---159.047371068573
Probit:0.78100 / volume: 1.3395---1.0461495
BitMart:0.77932 / volume: 207.0---161.318619
Bitfinex:0.77866 / volume: 1541.34414282---1200.183030248221
Binance:0.77900 / volume: 8082.8---6296.501200000001