Filecoin / FIL
1H % 0.31
24H % -2.01
Filecoin (FIL) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2020. Users are able to generate FIL through the process of mining. Filecoin has a current supply of 160,846,473. The last known price of Filecoin is 20.13054682 USD and is down -3.43 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 170 active market(s) with $301,663,056.38 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 3.2556187500000004 Total Volume: 79568.71294659002
power Average: 3.2603307655057487 / volume: 244.5---800.02845
Bitrue:3.26300 / volume: 12837.63---41889.186689999995
Coinlist:3.25240 / volume: 200.0---650.48
Cryptocom:3.25330 / volume: 176.92---575.5738359999999
DigiFinex:3.24700 / volume: 881.08---2860.86676 / volume: 14.006---45.5419096
Gateio:3.24800 / volume: 144.08---467.9718400000001
Huobi:3.24900 / volume: 48.6---157.90140000000002
LBank:3.24600 / volume: 1033.3714---3354.3235644
Mexc:3.24800 / volume: 5894.94---19146.76512
Phemex:3.24800 / volume: 91.589---297.48107200000004
Upbit:3.26400 / volume: 4.0102951---13.089603206399998
WhiteBit:3.25630 / volume: 294.8904---960.25160952
Coinex:3.27240 / volume: 551.57364---1804.9695795359999
Bitfinex:3.25210 / volume: 75.4944889---245.51562735168997
Binance:3.24900 / volume: 1219.9---3963.4551000000006