Filecoin / FIL
1H % 0.31
24H % -2.01
Filecoin (FIL) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2020. Users are able to generate FIL through the process of mining. Filecoin has a current supply of 160,846,473. The last known price of Filecoin is 20.13054682 USD and is down -3.43 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 170 active market(s) with $301,663,056.38 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 4.4877071428571425 Total Volume: 22092.75391049
power Average: 4.4918975531351215 / volume: 17.06---76.819474
Bitrue:4.49800 / volume: 3169.8---14257.760400000001
Coinlist:4.49010 / volume: 200.0---898.02
Cryptocom:4.49560 / volume: 41.14---184.948984
DigiFinex:4.48200 / volume: 1292.59---5793.38838 / volume: 20.25---90.863775
Gateio:4.49000 / volume: 621.0---2788.29
Huobi:4.48650 / volume: 40.5---181.70325000000003
Mexc:4.47200 / volume: 21.345---95.45484
Phemex:4.48100 / volume: 12.203---54.681642999999994
WhiteBit:4.48160 / volume: 61.609---276.10689440000004
Coinex:4.48790 / volume: 1036.1---4649.913189999999
Bitfinex:4.49060 / volume: 275.75791049---1238.318472846394
Binance:4.48300 / volume: 607.75---2724.5432499999997