Gala / GALA
1H %0.17
24H % 2.01
Gala (GALA) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. Gala has a current supply of 35,240,112,493 with 6,977,205,436 in circulation. The last known price of Gala is 0.28354824 USD and is down -7.12 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 118 active market(s) with $892,172,906.02 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 0.02811635897435897 Total Volume: 1407246.86648208
power Average: 0.02780565730761948
Bitrue:0.02781 / volume: 44700.0---1243.107
Cryptocom:0.02782 / volume: 456.0---12.687744
DigiFinex:0.02782 / volume: 28268.0---786.500564 / volume: 7567.9---210.538978
Gateio:0.02779 / volume: 475695.18---13219.569052199999
Huobi:0.02778 / volume: 8100.0---225.0261
Mexc:0.02782 / volume: 47130.16---1311.1610512000002
Phemex:0.02781 / volume: 21568.09---599.8085829
WhiteBit:0.02776 / volume: 4569.77---126.84767566000002
Coinex:0.02785 / volume: 20741.89248474---577.6617057000091
Probit:0.03199 / volume: 1272.6883---40.713298717
Bitfinex:0.02780 / volume: 5128.35396434---142.552855146759
Binance:0.02779 / volume: 55906.0---1553.62774