Uniswap / UNI
1H %0.57
24H % 2.34


24 Hours Volume

83 M

7 Days Change

7.34 %



Uniswap (UNI) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2020and operates on the Ethereum platform. Uniswap has a current supply of 1,000,000,000 with 632,255,416.8878458 in circulation. The last known price of Uniswap is 10.30457224 USD and is down -3.84 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 334 active market(s) with $146,406,760.90 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://uniswap.org/blog/uni/.
average: 9.414572631578949 Total Volume: 13384.375293130002

power Average: 8.820880829332006

Big.one:8.77800 / volume: 148.1---1300.0218
Bitrue:8.79490 / volume: 0.95---8.355155
Blockchain:11.58300 / volume: 0.69022444---7.994869688520001
Cex.io:18.00000 / volume: 20.0---360.0
Coinlist:8.82980 / volume: 400.2379---3534.0206094200003
Cryptocom:8.74070 / volume: 503.77---4403.302439
Currency.com:8.74100 / volume: 2000.0---17482.000000000004
Exmo:8.75000 / volume: 125.82350428---1100.9556624499999
Fmfw.io:8.74695 / volume: 10.29---90.00611549999999
Gateio:8.74300 / volume: 27.17---237.54731
Huobi:8.74800 / volume: 19.575---171.2421
Mexc:8.75000 / volume: 1323.51---11580.7125
Phemex:8.73800 / volume: 18.823---164.475374
Upbit:9.25900 / volume: 251.73413702---2330.80637466818
WhiteBit:8.73510 / volume: 5.77---50.401526999999994
Coinex:8.75350 / volume: 20.3137---177.81597295000003
Probit:8.75200 / volume: 1.0---8.752
Bitfinex:8.73950 / volume: 2.95371543---25.813996000484998
Binance:8.73300 / volume: 86.45---754.9678500000001