Elrond / EGLD
1H %0.26
24H % 1.81
Elrond (EGLD) is a cryptocurrency . Elrond has a current supply of 23,016,298 with 20,730,066.39639847 in circulation. The last known price of Elrond is 190.53446581 USD and is down -5.29 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 78 active market(s) with $244,605,764.07 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://elrond.com/.
average: 30.112827272727273 Total Volume: 469.6649565000001
power Average: 30.06678983259169
Bitrue:30.28000 / volume: 0.47---14.2316
Cryptocom:30.10400 / volume: 3.41---102.65464
Fmfw.io:30.05200 / volume: 3.4704---104.2924608
Gateio:29.99000 / volume: 3.375---101.21624999999999
Huobi:30.03290 / volume: 22.5925---678.51829325
Mexc:30.05000 / volume: 48.167---1447.4183500000001
WhiteBit:29.96540 / volume: 3.1132---93.28828328
Coinex:30.08980 / volume: 5.01333333---150.850197233034
Probit:30.42000 / volume: 1.0---30.42
Bitfinex:30.09800 / volume: 34.75756498---1046.1331907680399
Binance:30.04000 / volume: 84.51---2538.6804