1H %0.01
24H % 0.01
USD Coin (USDC) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. USD Coin has a current supply of 52,316,354,948.28544. The last known price of USD Coin is 0.99968348 USD and is down -0.03 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 3012 active market(s) with $2,457,176,118.25 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 0.9995365074870767 Total Volume: 74123074.19836342
power Average: 0.9995562264944725 / volume: 443.51---443.554351
Bitrue:0.99950 / volume: 5210523.23---5207917.968385001
Bitstamp:0.99986 / volume: 64.86159---64.85250937740001 / volume: 49999.730505---49989.730558899
DigiFinex:0.99950 / volume: 6708802.0---6705447.599
Exmo:0.99904 / volume: 6.27962716---6.27361127718072
Gateio:0.99950 / volume: 213535.8020000123---213429.03409901232
Huobi:0.99930 / volume: 900.4386732913039---899.8083662199999
Indoex:0.99933 / volume: 1445.7729453564527---1444.8007611658352
Kraken:0.99960 / volume: 501878.804---501678.0524784
Mexc:0.99950 / volume: 1771756.09---1770870.2119550002
Phemex:0.99950 / volume: 514031.47---513774.454265
Upbit:1.00000 / volume: 10578.58393995---10578.58393995
WhiteBit:0.99960 / volume: 29336.8726---29325.13785096
Coinex:0.99860 / volume: 11154.96880191---11139.351845587325
Probit:0.99970 / volume: 11.1967---11.19334099
Bitfinex:0.99939 / volume: 736.90670869---736.4571955976991
Binance:0.99950 / volume: 12672530.0---12666193.735000001