Flow / FLOW
1H %0.34
24H % 1.97


24 Hours Volume

20 M

7 Days Change

5.87 %



Flow (FLOW) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2021. Flow has a current supply of 1,378,211,739 with 328,099,114 in circulation. The last known price of Flow is 6.77097503 USD and is down -8.59 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 57 active market(s) with $128,016,660.96 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://flow.com.
average: 0.5002196875 Total Volume: 370563.75512646994

power Average: 0.5015541156129377

Bitrue:0.50300 / volume: 21410.74---10769.60222
Coinbase:0.50000 / volume: 300.143---150.0715
Coinlist:0.50070 / volume: 1930.5843---966.6435590100001
Cryptocom:0.49965 / volume: 1993.5---996.052275
Gateio:0.49960 / volume: 182.25---91.0521
Huobi:0.49890 / volume: 513.7996---256.33462044000004
LBank:0.50100 / volume: 9766.9---4893.216899999999
Mexc:0.49990 / volume: 144.6---72.28554
WhiteBit:0.49980 / volume: 416.3524---208.09292952
Coinex:0.50000 / volume: 22.18367549---11.091837745
Binance:0.50000 / volume: 26088.64---13044.32