Decred / DCR
1H % 7.32
24H % -13.56
Decred (DCR) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2016. Users are able to generate DCR through the process of mining. Decred has a current supply of 13,765,423.30531288. The last known price of Decred is 64.24565335 USD and is down -1.87 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 56 active market(s) with $4,101,024.93 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 13.684339999999999 Total Volume: 104.26199998999999
power Average: 13.672740897928128
Gateio:13.71500 / volume: 0.42---5.7603
Huobi:13.70860 / volume: 8.38---114.87806800000001
Mexc:13.67700 / volume: 25.57---349.72089
Coinex:13.69450 / volume: 1.24633333---17.067911787685
Binance:13.64000 / volume: 4.217---57.51988