Monero / XMR
1H %1.06
24H % 0.04
Monero (XMR) is a cryptocurrency . Users are able to generate XMR through the process of mining. Monero has a current supply of 18,078,620.20827007. The last known price of Monero is 169.87522581 USD and is down -2.04 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 167 active market(s) with $98,562,958.01 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 162.54828000000003 Total Volume: 78.74178984265622
power Average: 162.53717506637597 / volume: 0.1378---22.537190000000002
Bitrue:163.90000 / volume: 3.786---620.5254 / volume: 8.202---1334.4432546
Gateio:162.49000 / volume: 1.485---241.29765000000003
Huobi:162.29000 / volume: 0.0925---15.011824999999998
Kraken:162.09000 / volume: 0.048---7.780320000000001
Mexc:162.30000 / volume: 2.141---347.4843
WhiteBit:162.37000 / volume: 1.91315---310.6381655
Coinex:162.30000 / volume: 0.34856342---56.57184306600001
Bitfinex:162.44000 / volume: 6.58495204---1069.6596093776