Axie Infinity / AXS
1H %0.24
24H % 3.06
Axie Infinity (AXS) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. Axie Infinity has a current supply of 270,000,000 with 60,907,500 in circulation. The last known price of Axie Infinity is 56.39399011 USD and is down -4.93 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 188 active market(s) with $262,362,396.40 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 5.6512408941666665 Total Volume: 18963.184765590002
power Average: 5.5974485165400445 / volume: 88.9---500.0180500000001
Bitrue:5.62390 / volume: 150.4---845.83456
Coinbase:5.59900 / volume: 380.497---2130.402703
Cryptocom:5.58100 / volume: 3468.68---19358.70308 / volume: 1592.0---8931.12
Exmo:6.17425 / volume: 2.9283673---18.080464891078172 / volume: 34.26---191.5257336
Gateio:5.59800 / volume: 86.19---482.49161999999995
Huobi:5.58710 / volume: 96.085---536.8365035
Mexc:5.58500 / volume: 170.96---954.8116
Phemex:5.58700 / volume: 22.93---128.10990999999999
WhiteBit:5.58980 / volume: 9.192---51.3814416
Coinex:5.60720 / volume: 14.77700153---82.857602979016
Probit:5.90100 / volume: 0.2604---1.5366204
Bitfinex:5.61520 / volume: 22.31215058---125.287187936816
Binance:5.59300 / volume: 45.0---251.685