Compound / COMP
1H %0.32
24H % 2.62
Compound (COMP) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. Compound has a current supply of 10,000,000 with 6,565,227.80406668 in circulation. The last known price of Compound is 122.70684094 USD and is down -4.27 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 243 active market(s) with $39,046,725.67 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 54.36263999999999 Total Volume: 624.7082740599999
power Average: 54.67737949629384
Bitrue:54.34000 / volume: 1.98---107.59320000000001 / volume: 1.835---100.925
Coinlist:56.88180 / volume: 43.9508---2500.00061544
Cryptocom:54.05800 / volume: 0.68---36.759440000000005 / volume: 100.0---5405.0 / volume: 1.7864---96.6585312
Gateio:54.10000 / volume: 13.966---755.5606
Huobi:54.01000 / volume: 2.296449---124.03121048999999
Mexc:54.07000 / volume: 8.515---460.40605000000005
Phemex:54.10000 / volume: 5.4364---294.10924
WhiteBit:54.05000 / volume: 2.52628---136.54543399999997
Coinex:54.29000 / volume: 0.914---49.62106
Probit:54.40000 / volume: 0.2---10.88
Bitfinex:54.15100 / volume: 9.70801882---525.69892712182
Binance:54.04000 / volume: 0.803---43.39412