Fantom / FTM
1H %0.72
24H % 8.23
Fantom (FTM) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2018. Fantom has a current supply of 2,545,006,273. The last known price of Fantom is 1.86113786 USD and is down -4.96 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 244 active market(s) with $528,834,533.24 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 0.6721408333333334 Total Volume: 1691949.4083444502
power Average: 0.6713142929917197 / volume: 54.088---36.33848192
Bitrue:0.68570 / volume: 2914.0---1998.1298
Cryptocom:0.67164 / volume: 22644.0---15208.61616 / volume: 501170.0---336325.1636 / volume: 43.0---28.827268800000002
Gateio:0.67110 / volume: 2235.27---1500.0896970000001
Huobi:0.67160 / volume: 240.1002---161.25129432
Mexc:0.67140 / volume: 833.0---559.2762
Phemex:0.67150 / volume: 1576.5---1058.61975
WhiteBit:0.67070 / volume: 10142.9841---6802.899435869999
Coinex:0.67160 / volume: 1644.0---1104.1104
Probit:0.67227 / volume: 10.7---7.193289
Bitfinex:0.67075 / volume: 139.02126362---93.24851257311501
Binance:0.67010 / volume: 42548.0---28511.414800000002