Shiba Inu / SHIB
1H %0.01
24H % 0.59
Shiba Inu (SHIB) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. Shiba Inu has a current supply of 589,735,030,408,322.8 with 549,063,278,876,301.94 in circulation. The last known price of Shiba Inu is 0.00002922 USD and is down -0.34 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 306 active market(s) with $2,272,021,135.03 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 0.000023970063639206788 Total Volume: 33297270658.926212
power Average: 0.00002385349831517057 / volume: 41761675.0---1000.000012545
Bitrue:0.00002 / volume: 1810961.0---43.19141985 / volume: 47000000.0---1327.28
Coinbase:0.00002 / volume: 1851477522.0---44250.312775800005
Coinlist:0.00002 / volume: 70000000.0---1671.6
Cryptocom:0.00002 / volume: 26820000.0---639.68382
DigiFinex:0.00002 / volume: 218817960.0---5218.58952804
Exmo:0.00002 / volume: 10784264.8176911---256.881187957402 / volume: 8101000.0---193.225052
Gateio:0.00002 / volume: 847576342.0---20206.21999328
Huobi:0.00002 / volume: 333538344.78---7958.224906450799
Indoex:0.00002 / volume: 233629453.41319403---5567.427574258511
Kraken:0.00002 / volume: 6794769.698---162.12320499427997
Mexc:0.00002 / volume: 1190558197.0---28359.09625254
Phemex:0.00002 / volume: 62.135144---0.00147943777864
WhiteBit:0.00002 / volume: 2738067660.0---65193.3909846
Coinex:0.00002 / volume: 20147981.0---480.47696209940005
Probit:0.00002 / volume: 15632595.1134---382.842254327166
Bitfinex:0.00002 / volume: 86079347.65319377---2051.2708545756077
Binance:0.00002 / volume: 1244814795.0---29639.04026895