PancakeSwap / CAKE
1H %0.04
24H % 1.25
PancakeSwap (CAKE) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) platform. PancakeSwap has a current supply of 267,508,985.18023762. The last known price of PancakeSwap is 7.84801425 USD and is down -0.58 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 213 active market(s) with $150,302,645.18 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 2.019448484848484 Total Volume: 347063.60666309
power Average: 1.978939238636571
Bitrue:1.98600 / volume: 150.0---297.9 / volume: 106113.0---209997.627 / volume: 0.1---0.23885
Gateio:1.97800 / volume: 265.83---525.81174
Huobi:1.97940 / volume: 459.0227---908.58953238
Mexc:1.97800 / volume: 7019.73---13885.02594
Phemex:1.97800 / volume: 168.02---332.34356
WhiteBit:1.97600 / volume: 499.9996---987.9992096
Coinex:1.97870 / volume: 720.83048675---1426.3072841322248
Probit:2.01200 / volume: 9.9---19.9188
Binance:1.97900 / volume: 3934.7---7786.7713