Decentraland / MANA
1H %0.21
24H % 1.61
Decentraland (MANA) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. Decentraland has a current supply of 2,193,843,727.320146 with 1,832,135,598.3634298 in circulation. The last known price of Decentraland is 2.75641266 USD and is down -5.49 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 242 active market(s) with $541,269,600.76 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 0.39575980952380957 Total Volume: 460277.48139433004
power Average: 0.39514293920958626 / volume: 2526.7---1000.017326
Bitrue:0.39530 / volume: 188426.8---74485.11403999999
Cryptocom:0.39500 / volume: 500.0---197.5
Exmo:0.39550 / volume: 10000.0---3955.0 / volume: 27.0---10.6500717
Gateio:0.39450 / volume: 5151.82---2032.39299
Huobi:0.39510 / volume: 117.0---46.2267
Kraken:0.39440 / volume: 8489.877---3348.4074888
Mexc:0.39510 / volume: 4581.59---1810.1862090000002
Phemex:0.39420 / volume: 71.44---28.161648
WhiteBit:0.39500 / volume: 1230.0---485.85
Coinex:0.39470 / volume: 1633.10467734---644.586416146098
Probit:0.40890 / volume: 13.3216---5.44720224
Binance:0.39440 / volume: 2821.0---1112.6024