Bitcoin / BTC
1H %0.38
24H % 2.57
Bitcoin (BTC) is a cryptocurrency . Users are able to generate BTC through the process of mining. Bitcoin has a current supply of 18,957,768. The last known price of Bitcoin is 42,071.83483196 USD and is down -0.70 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 9145 active market(s) with $17,839,126,963.88 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 97437.88908497934 Total Volume: 59.50943100808532
power Average: 97441.12207399016 / volume: 0.018454---1800.3884795200001
Bitrue:97381.93000 / volume: 15.4034---1500012.820562
Bitso:97472.00000 / volume: 0.2625---25586.4
Bitstamp:97514.00000 / volume: 0.05757493---5614.36172402
Blockchain:98480.85000 / volume: 0.00390596---384.662260866 / volume: 0.62545881---61142.288884479
Coinbase:97436.01000 / volume: 0.0002123---20.685664923
Coinlist:97427.52000 / volume: 0.3079---29997.933408
Cryptocom:97391.64000 / volume: 0.5177---50419.652028000004 / volume: 0.0005---47.5
DigiFinex:97495.24000 / volume: 1.727982---168470.01980568
Exmo:97388.08000 / volume: 0.0062---603.806096 / volume: 0.03199---3118.5569862999996
Gateio:97515.60000 / volume: 0.77191---75273.266796
Gemini:97604.50000 / volume: 0.00564281---550.763648645
Huobi:97531.21000 / volume: 0.371032---36187.19990872
Indoex:97471.00756 / volume: 5.264177129361779---513104.6487930582
Kraken:97475.10000 / volume: 0.101---9844.985100000002
Mexc:97388.00000 / volume: 3.429075---333950.7561
Phemex:97554.62000 / volume: 0.136432---13309.571915839999
Upbit:97655.99000 / volume: 0.04622354---4514.005560004601
WhiteBit:97468.38000 / volume: 0.11478---11187.4206564
Coinex:97530.02000 / volume: 0.28157867---27462.3733166734
Probit:97446.30000 / volume: 0.005972---581.9493036
Bitfinex:97426.00000 / volume: 0.560147---54572.88162199999
Binance:97416.52000 / volume: 2.82462---275164.6507224