Polkadot / DOT
1H % 0.01
24H % -0.62


24 Hours Volume

103 M

7 Days Change

-0.34 %



Polkadot (DOT) is a cryptocurrency . Polkadot has a current supply of 1,103,303,471.382273 with 987,579,314.957085 in circulation. The last known price of Polkadot is 18.22041567 USD and is down -4.38 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 307 active market(s) with $821,745,458.02 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://polkadot.network/.
average: 7.716605263157895 Total Volume: 7131.768550859999

power Average: 7.7089308586303185

Big.one:7.73930 / volume: 56.0---433.4008
Bitrue:7.71780 / volume: 77.76---600.1361280000001
Cex.io:7.75900 / volume: 159.005792---1233.7259401280003
Coinbase:7.73000 / volume: 21.768---168.26664000000002
Coinlist:7.71800 / volume: 129.0873---996.2957814
Cryptocom:7.65790 / volume: 57.37---439.33372299999996
DigiFinex:7.73560 / volume: 817.55---6324.23978
Exmo:7.65700 / volume: 3.0---22.971
Fmfw.io:7.68583 / volume: 21.49---165.1684867
Gateio:7.65700 / volume: 310.5---2377.4985
Huobi:7.71460 / volume: 45.9---354.10014
Kraken:7.67570 / volume: 26.579---204.0124303
Mexc:7.66300 / volume: 74.75---572.80925
Phemex:7.70000 / volume: 0.294---2.2638
WhiteBit:7.67560 / volume: 53.9465---414.07175540000003
Coinex:7.74990 / volume: 2.52888094---19.598574396906002
Probit:7.81000 / volume: 2.164---16.90084
Bitfinex:7.73050 / volume: 47.410217---366.50468251850003
Binance:7.74900 / volume: 26.8---207.6732