Stellar / XLM
1H %0.25
24H % 0.22
Stellar (XLM) is a cryptocurrency . Stellar has a current supply of 50,001,802,201.434555 with 24,900,875,717.676994 in circulation. The last known price of Stellar is 0.20855415 USD and is down -4.75 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 403 active market(s) with $264,109,564.10 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 0.23408787037037027 Total Volume: 1012879.52454893
power Average: 0.2439745459055681 / volume: 1145.0---278.7159
Bitrue:0.24330 / volume: 149675.0---36415.9275 / volume: 13180.3261267---3194.91105311208
Coinbase:0.24180 / volume: 740.0---178.932
Cryptocom:0.24270 / volume: 45.0---10.9215 / volume: 0.0---0.0
DigiFinex:0.24254 / volume: 1512.0---366.72048
Exmo:0.24370 / volume: 20000.0---4874.0 / volume: 438.7---106.17549009999999
Gateio:0.24240 / volume: 653.3---158.35992
Huobi:0.24323 / volume: 330.0---80.2659
Mexc:0.24260 / volume: 7169.0---1739.1994
Phemex:0.24270 / volume: 5168.13---1254.305151
WhiteBit:0.24235 / volume: 77160.0---18699.726000000002
Coinex:0.24375 / volume: 41.21272566---10.04568430507632
Probit:0.24520 / volume: 6010.5---1473.7746
Bitfinex:0.24325 / volume: 2277.01946371---553.8849845474574
Binance:0.24250 / volume: 4958.0---1202.315