Shiba Inu / SHIB
1H %0.01
24H % 0.59
Shiba Inu (SHIB) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. Shiba Inu has a current supply of 589,735,030,408,322.8 with 549,063,278,876,301.94 in circulation. The last known price of Shiba Inu is 0.00002922 USD and is down -0.34 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 306 active market(s) with $2,272,021,135.03 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 0.00002720325210450058 Total Volume: 14445814033.396896
power Average: 0.00002712420128287417 / volume: 36699134.0---1000.0000227124
Bitrue:0.00003 / volume: 1810961.0---48.841618170000004 / volume: 47000000.0---1327.28
Coinbase:0.00003 / volume: 61954669.0---1678.9715299000002
Coinlist:0.00003 / volume: 70000000.0---1903.3
Cryptocom:0.00003 / volume: 1890000.0---51.20766
DigiFinex:0.00003 / volume: 222968.0---6.0466691919999995
Exmo:0.00003 / volume: 11228.97270585---0.30542805759912 / volume: 21663000.0---587.7930105
Gateio:0.00003 / volume: 646024640.0---17533.1087296
Huobi:0.00003 / volume: 55928882.0---1512.31696928
Indoex:0.00003 / volume: 250934394.10707572---6767.951310214615
Kraken:0.00003 / volume: 79580624.281---2162.20556171477
Mexc:0.00003 / volume: 1220986762.0---33113.16098544
Phemex:0.00003 / volume: 34.039402---0.00092348897626
WhiteBit:0.00003 / volume: 111000000.0---3001.44
Coinex:0.00003 / volume: 46017004.0---1248.1790215972
Probit:0.00003 / volume: 100000.0---2.8
Bitfinex:0.00003 / volume: 59934362.6528404---1629.015976904202
Binance:0.00003 / volume: 772196492.0---20941.96886304