1H %-0.24
24H % 1.03
EOS (EOS) is a cryptocurrency . EOS has a current supply of 1,047,046,374.0192 with 980,460,148.6861 in circulation. The last known price of EOS is 2.32663633 USD and is down -3.00 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 423 active market(s) with $239,575,975.10 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://eos.io/.
average: 0.6650908333333332 Total Volume: 175508.63115899998
power Average: 0.6649538201793108
Big.one:0.66600 / volume: 180.0---119.88000000000001
Bitrue:0.66800 / volume: 867.0---579.1560000000001
Cryptocom:0.66490 / volume: 2195.0---1459.4555
DigiFinex:0.66380 / volume: 1103.3---732.3705399999999
Exmo:0.66560 / volume: 945.58963209---629.384459119104
Fmfw.io:0.66391 / volume: 50.62---33.6071242
Gateio:0.66440 / volume: 38250.97---25413.944468
Huobi:0.66440 / volume: 500.5---332.5322
Kraken:0.66350 / volume: 90.0---59.714999999999996
Mexc:0.66370 / volume: 491.3---326.07581
Phemex:0.66410 / volume: 111.23---73.86784300000001
WhiteBit:0.66420 / volume: 300.05---199.29321000000002
Coinex:0.66650 / volume: 1233.0---821.7945
Probit:0.66880 / volume: 18.61---12.446367999999998
Bitfinex:0.66409 / volume: 307.062436---203.91709312324
Binance:0.66440 / volume: 877.7---583.14388