Curve DAO Token / CRV
1H %-1.02
24H % 0.57
Curve DAO Token (CRV) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. Curve DAO Token has a current supply of 1,689,554,384.3681269 with 444,084,226.4971693 in circulation. The last known price of Curve DAO Token is 2.74966911 USD and is down -4.78 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 231 active market(s) with $240,042,343.52 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 0.4949503333333333 Total Volume: 389956.10649939
power Average: 0.39426955668140046 / volume: 503.779---200.00026300000002
Bitrue:0.39380 / volume: 203.44---80.114672
Blockchain:0.39660 / volume: 2546.64649521---1010.000000000286 / volume: 25.5---51.0
Cryptocom:0.39540 / volume: 2419.5---956.6702999999999 / volume: 101403.0---39891.940200000005 / volume: 2558.3---1001.5514253
Gateio:0.39500 / volume: 3915.0---1546.4250000000002
Huobi:0.39260 / volume: 441.7609---173.43532934
Mexc:0.39130 / volume: 1168.5---457.23404999999997
Phemex:0.39360 / volume: 565.64---222.635904
WhiteBit:0.39450 / volume: 18997.1364---7494.3703098000005
Coinex:0.39260 / volume: 1383.19317966---543.0416423345159
Probit:0.39900 / volume: 62.9---25.0971
Bitfinex:0.39577 / volume: 757.9---299.954083
Binance:0.39300 / volume: 480.0---188.64000000000001