Quant / QNT
1H % 0.00
24H % -0.43
Quant (QNT) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. Quant has a current supply of 14,612,493.080826 with 12,072,738 in circulation. The last known price of Quant is 119.36004103 USD and is down -7.98 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 77 active market(s) with $48,729,829.69 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://quant.network/.
average: 100.36736111111108 Total Volume: 5088.6166580200015
power Average: 100.118624273546
Bitrue:100.00000 / volume: 0.246---24.6
Coinbase:100.15000 / volume: 11.7655---1178.314825
Cryptocom:100.12000 / volume: 0.2---20.024
Currency.com:100.11000 / volume: 1592.0---159375.12
Fmfw.io:100.24600 / volume: 5.9951---600.9847946
Gateio:100.09000 / volume: 1.835---183.66515
Mexc:100.30000 / volume: 3.43---344.029
Phemex:100.20000 / volume: 0.7365---73.7973
WhiteBit:100.10000 / volume: 10.0---1001.0
Coinex:100.60000 / volume: 1.98491934---199.68288560399998
Probit:102.20000 / volume: 0.1---10.22
Binance:100.10000 / volume: 85.314---8539.9314