1H %0.02
24H % 0.08
TrueUSD (TUSD) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Binance Chain (BEP2) platform. TrueUSD has a current supply of 1,482,779,151.2516668. The last known price of TrueUSD is 0.999997 USD and is up 0.03 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 226 active market(s) with $138,095,459.93 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 1.001073815214592 Total Volume: 187784.74233971804
power Average: 1.001666921912376
Bitrue:1.00300 / volume: 28495.83---28581.317489999998
Gateio:1.00020 / volume: 1217.78---1218.0235559999999
Huobi:0.99989 / volume: 15.0067---15.005049263
Indoex:1.00031 / volume: 345.96970511600375---346.077866952922
Mexc:1.00020 / volume: 22908.62---22913.201724
Phemex:1.00020 / volume: 1308.65---1308.91173
Upbit:1.00800 / volume: 2041.16754856---2057.49688894848
WhiteBit:0.99980 / volume: 1755.48---1755.1289040000001
Probit:1.00110 / volume: 31.63---31.664793000000003
Bitfinex:1.00000 / volume: 10.0---10.0
Binance:1.00000 / volume: 7633.0---7633.0