Celo / CELO
1H %0.50
24H % 1.53


24 Hours Volume

10 M

7 Days Change

9.44 %



Celo (CELO) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2017. Celo has a current supply of 1,000,000,000 with 407,486,151 in circulation. The last known price of Celo is 2.85651596 USD and is down -6.46 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 79 active market(s) with $61,905,446.03 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://celo.org/.
average: 0.9857835714285711 Total Volume: 2645577.26648923

power Average: 0.785535511114392

Big.one:0.78400 / volume: 25.5---19.992
Bitrue:0.78900 / volume: 2794.5---2204.8605000000002
Blockchain:3.45000 / volume: 50.0---172.5
Coinlist:0.78670 / volume: 1271.2303---1000.0768770099999
Currency.com:0.78540 / volume: 784185.0---615898.899
Fmfw.io:0.92395 / volume: 2.21---2.0419295
Gateio:0.78440 / volume: 636.75---499.4667
Huobi:0.78440 / volume: 62.186---48.778698399999996
Mexc:0.78460 / volume: 480.91---377.321986
Phemex:0.78480 / volume: 330.38---259.28222400000004
WhiteBit:0.78530 / volume: 274.9209---215.89538277000003
Coinex:0.78670 / volume: 28.0003636---22.02788604412
Bitfinex:0.78475 / volume: 9.23395627---7.2463471828824995
Binance:0.78480 / volume: 690.8---542.13984