1H %4.55
24H % 3.97
NEM (XEM) is a cryptocurrency . NEM has a current supply of 8,999,999,999. The last known price of NEM is 0.10714737 USD and is down -2.03 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 120 active market(s) with $29,037,136.64 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 0.022453323809523813 Total Volume: 55373.133799999996
power Average: 0.022221419945099803
Bitrue:0.02200 / volume: 501.0---11.022 / volume: 206.0---4.5637034000000005
Gateio:0.02211 / volume: 5740.32---126.9184752
Huobi:0.02210 / volume: 498.8662---11.02494302
WhiteBit:0.02209 / volume: 279.541---6.17506069
Coinex:0.02209 / volume: 4060.0---89.67728
Probit:0.02450 / volume: 487.7193---11.94912285