Tezos / XTZ
1H %0.24
24H % 1.59
Tezos (XTZ) is a cryptocurrency . Tezos has a current supply of 906,084,502.692346 with 877,950,562.830824 in circulation. The last known price of Tezos is 3.80625766 USD and is down -5.78 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 197 active market(s) with $109,061,535.85 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://www.tezos.com/.
average: 1.0591783703703708 Total Volume: 69901.00008568
power Average: 1.0582324051827305
Big.one:1.06280 / volume: 108.0---114.7824
Bitrue:1.06270 / volume: 611.31---649.6391369999999
Blockchain:1.06000 / volume: 952.83018868---1010.0000000008
Cex.io:1.05590 / volume: 208.56364---220.222347476
Coinlist:1.05880 / volume: 5000.0---5294.0
Cryptocom:1.05560 / volume: 128.6---135.75016
DigiFinex:1.05790 / volume: 571.3---604.37827
Fmfw.io:1.05990 / volume: 20.2---21.410020399999997
Gateio:1.06020 / volume: 1.205---1.277541
Huobi:1.05780 / volume: 505.1---534.2947800000001
Kraken:1.05670 / volume: 946.201---999.8505967
Mexc:1.05700 / volume: 3674.5---3883.9464999999996
Phemex:1.05700 / volume: 335.58---354.70806
WhiteBit:1.05933 / volume: 697.552---738.93776016
Coinex:1.05900 / volume: 25.26807113---26.75888732667
Probit:1.06100 / volume: 11.4765---12.1765665
Bitfinex:1.06700 / volume: 435.55625143---464.73852027580995
Binance:1.05800 / volume: 2313.1---2447.2598