Cardano / ADA
1H %0.33
24H % 0.32
Cardano (ADA) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2017. Users are able to generate ADA through the process of mining. Cardano has a current supply of 34,085,668,605.164 with 33,592,646,021.81 in circulation. The last known price of Cardano is 1.02771525 USD and is down -2.73 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 364 active market(s) with $1,259,228,572.65 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 0.8009263384954471 Total Volume: 177689.7397617801
power Average: 0.799744464666819
Bitrue:0.79920 / volume: 4040.0---3228.768
Blockchain:0.81640 / volume: 1.89349109---1.545846125876 / volume: 9697.791006---7760.162665210193
Coinbase:0.79850 / volume: 533.78---426.22333
Cryptocom:0.79745 / volume: 626.0---499.20369999999997
DigiFinex:0.79988 / volume: 5.0---3.9994
Exmo:0.79740 / volume: 327.86606693---261.44039849132133 / volume: 303.0---241.6950705
Gateio:0.79800 / volume: 7907.92---6310.52016
Huobi:0.79835 / volume: 427.5---341.2959075
Indoex:0.79922 / volume: 894.5099755633622---714.9136808952379
Kraken:0.79750 / volume: 3134.324---2499.626524324
Mexc:0.79810 / volume: 10373.1---8278.771110000001
Phemex:0.79840 / volume: 124.0---99.0016
Upbit:0.82520 / volume: 2423.65487154---1999.9999999948081
WhiteBit:0.79755 / volume: 36.03---28.735762530000002
Coinex:0.79800 / volume: 7984.91307767---6371.96063598066
Bitfinex:0.79924 / volume: 2936.426369---2346.9094111595596
Binance:0.79810 / volume: 2729.7---2178.57357