Theta Network / THETA
1H %0.56
24H % 3.01
Theta Network (THETA) is a cryptocurrency . Theta Network has a current supply of 1,000,000,000. The last known price of Theta Network is 3.50597501 USD and is down -7.92 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 96 active market(s) with $328,743,754.90 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 1.930199696969697 Total Volume: 6928.295138079999
power Average: 1.9339901339308017
Bitrue:1.93700 / volume: 360.0---697.32
Blockchain:1.95550 / volume: 442.66280603---865.627117191665
Cryptocom:1.92276 / volume: 104.9---201.69752400000002
DigiFinex:1.92289 / volume: 25.1742---48.4072677864 / volume: 52.5---101.3006925
Gateio:1.92170 / volume: 50.625---97.2860625
Huobi:1.92040 / volume: 16.2---31.11048
Phemex:1.93500 / volume: 122.4---236.84400000000002
WhiteBit:1.92780 / volume: 60.4---116.43911999999999
Coinex:1.93090 / volume: 18.81388962---36.327739467258006
Binance:1.92000 / volume: 388.8---746.496