Dogecoin / DOGE
1H %0.17
24H % 0.13
Dogecoin (DOGE) is a cryptocurrency . Users are able to generate DOGE through the process of mining. Dogecoin has a current supply of 132,670,764,299.89409. The last known price of Dogecoin is 0.14396433 USD and is down -0.97 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 446 active market(s) with $1,921,803,941.75 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 0.3904873624450605 Total Volume: 1434081.4104979932
power Average: 0.38843473426857084 / volume: 3075.0---1200.37545
Bitrue:0.38933 / volume: 22950.0---8935.1235
Blockchain:0.41800 / volume: 85.4788447---35.730157084599995
Coinbase:0.38700 / volume: 28.4---10.9908
Coinlist:0.38680 / volume: 2500.3158---967.1221514399999
Cryptocom:0.38775 / volume: 12896.0---5000.475584
DigiFinex:0.38721 / volume: 3081.925---1193.35217925
Exmo:0.38751 / volume: 516.72910477---200.23755587256443 / volume: 510.0---204.0
Gateio:0.38755 / volume: 7425.0---2877.55875
Huobi:0.38858 / volume: 968.0---376.146408
Indoex:0.38855 / volume: 1962.7202104810997---762.6091961969702
Kraken:0.38768 / volume: 31.433---12.185945440000001
Mexc:0.38774 / volume: 207142.5---80317.43294999999
Phemex:0.38867 / volume: 553.0---214.93451000000002
Upbit:0.39270 / volume: 149309.72811232---58633.930229708065
WhiteBit:0.38845 / volume: 104.9---40.74789099
Coinex:0.38780 / volume: 18883.0---7322.770751
Probit:0.39200 / volume: 170.7935---66.95053961949999
Bitfinex:0.38805 / volume: 322.16080677---125.01450106709851
Binance:0.38738 / volume: 202421.0---78413.84698