Chainlink / LINK
1H %0.11
24H % 1.60
Chainlink (LINK) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. Chainlink has a current supply of 1,000,000,000 with 467,009,549.5205637 in circulation. The last known price of Chainlink is 15.58009209 USD and is down -4.17 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 590 active market(s) with $517,514,247.18 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 15.103547246342607 Total Volume: 21709.200910306405
power Average: 15.10409287151221 / volume: 79.05---1200.018525
Bitrue:15.15800 / volume: 196.0---2970.968
Blockchain:15.25400 / volume: 66.87413097---1020.0979938163799 / volume: 101.841704---1537.606046992
Coinbase:15.11000 / volume: 185.932---2809.43252
Coinlist:15.04950 / volume: 249.8516---3760.1416541999997
Cryptocom:15.08700 / volume: 16.56---249.84071999999998 / volume: 900.0---13581.018
DigiFinex:15.07850 / volume: 89.09---1343.3435650000001
Exmo:15.13900 / volume: 332.62350763---5035.58728201057 / volume: 3.54---53.284150800000006
Gateio:15.08000 / volume: 428.13---6456.2004
Huobi:15.02570 / volume: 10.29---154.614453
Indoex:15.09439 / volume: 51.72103251546621---780.6974905947045
Kraken:15.02151 / volume: 39.994---600.7702709399999
Mexc:15.11000 / volume: 1779.23---26884.1653
Phemex:15.11000 / volume: 21.09---318.6699
WhiteBit:15.10510 / volume: 101.76---1537.094976
Coinex:15.08150 / volume: 0.15---2.262225
Probit:15.11110 / volume: 0.99---14.959989
Bitfinex:15.06700 / volume: 119.678---1803.188426
Binance:15.16000 / volume: 1853.57---28100.121199999998