Qtum / QTUM
1H %0.51
24H % 3.54
Qtum (QTUM) is a cryptocurrency . Qtum has a current supply of 103,944,501 with 99,008,794.7260568 in circulation. The last known price of Qtum is 6.34843546 USD and is down -5.37 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 185 active market(s) with $78,749,140.15 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://qtum.org/.
average: 3.252377625663567 Total Volume: 11489.828447644397
power Average: 3.281423374216954
Big.one:3.33100 / volume: 388.0---1292.4279999999999
DigiFinex:3.28230 / volume: 34.9---114.55227000000001
Exmo:3.27000 / volume: 2046.01757156---6690.4774590012
Fmfw.io:2.99786 / volume: 0.53---1.58886792
Gateio:3.29300 / volume: 59.1051---194.6330943
Huobi:3.24340 / volume: 7.2---23.35248
Indoex:3.24917 / volume: 817.4157281981315---2655.918926006657
Mexc:3.27000 / volume: 15.88---51.927600000000005
Phemex:3.30100 / volume: 5.173---17.076073
WhiteBit:3.29780 / volume: 15.9866---52.72060948
Coinex:3.30910 / volume: 17.0---56.2547
Probit:3.15300 / volume: 1.583---4.991199
Binance:3.28600 / volume: 85.0---279.31