Litecoin / LTC
1H %0.35
24H % 2.95
Litecoin (LTC) is a cryptocurrency . Users are able to generate LTC through the process of mining. Litecoin has a current supply of 84,000,000 with 69,636,044.41186689 in circulation. The last known price of Litecoin is 123.3591565 USD and is down -2.05 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 733 active market(s) with $741,724,266.94 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 101.41178848766826 Total Volume: 4158.093661595269
power Average: 101.59867011408697 / volume: 3.08---311.9424
Bitrue:101.60000 / volume: 12.729---1293.2663999999997 / volume: 19.9206474---2022.7226163486
Cryptocom:101.45600 / volume: 3.105---315.02088000000003 / volume: 1192.0---120916.48
DigiFinex:101.47000 / volume: 21.962---2228.48414
Exmo:101.30000 / volume: 0.52254659---52.933967999360235 / volume: 0.911---92.3073483
Gateio:101.46000 / volume: 32.9917---3347.337882
Huobi:101.32000 / volume: 7.02---711.2663999999999
Indoex:101.34593 / volume: 5.349504019303713---542.1504348342488
Kraken:101.30996 / volume: 0.109---11.04278564
Mexc:101.09000 / volume: 36.9---3730.221
Phemex:101.24000 / volume: 1.1---111.364
WhiteBit:101.09000 / volume: 10.70959---1082.6324531
Coinex:101.21000 / volume: 21.52135257---2178.1760936097
Probit:102.27000 / volume: 1.7702---181.038354
Bitfinex:101.06000 / volume: 4.8---485.08799999999997
Binance:101.25000 / volume: 23.335---2362.6687500000003