Zcash / ZEC
1H %2.47
24H % 4.90
Zcash (ZEC) is a cryptocurrency . Users are able to generate ZEC through the process of mining. Zcash has a current supply of 13,742,312.5. The last known price of Zcash is 116.83533082 USD and is down -0.65 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 242 active market(s) with $221,028,407.51 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://z.cash/.
average: 44.514716666666665 Total Volume: 436.40216632000005
power Average: 44.51257400643526
Big.one:44.52000 / volume: 14.17---630.8484000000001
DigiFinex:44.55000 / volume: 6.238---277.9029
Fmfw.io:44.56890 / volume: 13.479---600.7442030999999
Gateio:44.55000 / volume: 17.2367---767.8949849999999
Huobi:44.40000 / volume: 0.54---23.976
Mexc:44.55000 / volume: 6.12641---272.9315655
Phemex:44.50000 / volume: 1.6482---73.34490000000001
WhiteBit:44.43000 / volume: 3.14105---139.5568515
Coinex:44.62960 / volume: 2.0---89.2592
Binance:44.51000 / volume: 6.974---310.41274