Kusama / KSM
1H %0.14
24H % 2.15
Kusama (KSM) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2019. Kusama has a current supply of 9,651,217.45126206 with 8,470,098.05726206 in circulation. The last known price of Kusama is 163.18438983 USD and is down -3.60 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 119 active market(s) with $33,920,132.75 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://kusama.network/.
average: 29.14151666666667 Total Volume: 802.4130728000001
power Average: 28.116195021210164
Big.one:25.81200 / volume: 1.702---43.932024
Bitrue:25.80400 / volume: 22.05---568.9782
Cex.io:66.00000 / volume: 16.0---1056.0
Cryptocom:25.79600 / volume: 96.88---2499.1164799999997
Fmfw.io:26.49600 / volume: 0.0864---2.2892544
Gateio:25.73000 / volume: 0.252---6.48396
Huobi:25.75500 / volume: 1.35---34.76925
Mexc:25.62000 / volume: 40.3466---1033.679892
Phemex:25.71000 / volume: 2.2636---58.197156
WhiteBit:25.67550 / volume: 7.7435---198.81823425
Coinex:25.74760 / volume: 13.92979357---358.65875292293197
Binance:25.67000 / volume: 15.391---395.08697