Loopring / LRC
1H %-0.94
24H % 1.97
Loopring (LRC) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2017and operates on the Ethereum platform. Loopring has a current supply of 1,373,873,440.4424574 with 1,329,247,432.8078947 in circulation. The last known price of Loopring is 0.89172864 USD and is down -6.62 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 178 active market(s) with $165,560,455.88 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://loopring.org.
average: 0.1978326388888889 Total Volume: 1899452.5361838897
power Average: 0.19850173591070192
Bitrue:0.19930 / volume: 17957.0---3578.8301
Coinbase:0.19850 / volume: 3214.86---638.14971
Cryptocom:0.19873 / volume: 529.0---105.12817
Currency.com:0.19850 / volume: 591541.0---117420.8885
Gateio:0.19870 / volume: 3585.01---712.341487
Huobi:0.19800 / volume: 97.2---19.245600000000003
Mexc:0.19860 / volume: 1800.38---357.555468
Phemex:0.19840 / volume: 419.07---83.14348799999999
WhiteBit:0.19850 / volume: 1057.7841---209.97014385000003
Coinex:0.19879 / volume: 1198.69029463---238.28764366949767
Probit:0.19000 / volume: 176.3903---33.514157
Binance:0.19840 / volume: 13379.0---2654.3936