Neo / NEO
1H %0.52
24H % 3.51
Neo (NEO) is a cryptocurrency . Neo has a current supply of 100,000,000 with 70,538,831 in circulation. The last known price of Neo is 21.00866314 USD and is down -3.08 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 239 active market(s) with $97,106,817.96 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 13.096897916666663 Total Volume: 9241.79026292
power Average: 13.14592631598966 / volume: 20.8---274.04
Bitrue:13.21000 / volume: 2497.6---32993.296 / volume: 32.192086---421.68413451400005
Cryptocom:13.14010 / volume: 11.07---145.46090700000002
DigiFinex:13.11600 / volume: 6.02---78.95831999999999
Exmo:13.16900 / volume: 1.15924972---15.26615956268 / volume: 14.2---186.703588
Gateio:13.13000 / volume: 47.0118---617.264934
Huobi:13.15000 / volume: 7.835---103.03025
Mexc:13.12000 / volume: 275.758---3617.9449599999994
Upbit:13.38000 / volume: 8.53923382---114.2549485116
WhiteBit:13.08300 / volume: 4.72---61.75176
Coinex:13.12220 / volume: 1.22666666---16.096565245852
Probit:12.21500 / volume: 59.47---726.42605
Bitfinex:13.10600 / volume: 55.85906314---732.0888815128401
Binance:13.18000 / volume: 293.6---3869.648