Stacks / STX
1H %0.65
24H % 7.75
Stacks (STX) is a cryptocurrency . Stacks has a current supply of 1,352,464,600 with 1,298,226,684.846513 in circulation. The last known price of Stacks is 1.41492383 USD and is down -7.45 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 40 active market(s) with $32,097,916.81 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
average: 2.070815151515151 Total Volume: 39684.604734329994
power Average: 1.967943395106985
Bitrue:1.97050 / volume: 582.0---1146.831
Blockchain:2.87900 / volume: 31.47797811---90.62509897868999
Coinbase:1.96680 / volume: 5.43---10.679724
Coinlist:2.19990 / volume: 20.9356---46.05622644
Cryptocom:1.96490 / volume: 1.9---3.73331
Gateio:1.96600 / volume: 438.74---862.56284
Mexc:1.96800 / volume: 2501.35---4922.6568
Phemex:1.96910 / volume: 149.804---294.9790564
WhiteBit:1.96700 / volume: 4.9---9.638300000000001
Coinex:1.97010 / volume: 600.0---1182.06
Binance:1.96700 / volume: 1561.3---3071.0771